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发表于 2012-6-26 17:07:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • 招聘职位:设计总监
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 职位薪资:8000~10000
  • 其他职位薪资:
  • 工作地点:北京
  • 有效期至:2012-08-31
  • 公司名称:北京卓美天成国际文化传播有限公司
  • 公司网址:ww.chaumet-heaven.com
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  • 学历要求:本科
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设计兵团 提醒求职者:


Beijing Chaumet Heaven International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd was established in 2006, is approved by the government, in order to provide exhibition museum project decoration, exhibition design, commercial meeting the activities of organizations such as government corporate image design consisting mainly of professional cultural transmission company. International design concept and practical operation of the industry's reputation.
The company focus on innovative design, good faith service. In six years we build a full of wit design elite team and factory, make Chaumet Heaven both strict analyzing ability and creativity. With cutting-edge visual language to solve the interpretation of commercial art solutions. Become a Beijing radiation based on the comprehensive design services company.
Over the years Chaumet Heaven based on professional marketing strategy and planning, grasp the development of the market and customer needs, committed to providing customers with high-quality design services and brand positioning, with a number of well-known enterprises and government stability. As of 2008 at the World Expo in Kampuchea museum design structures, in 2011 the sixth Expo home overall exhibition planning, has repeatedly won the domestic, international design awards.

chaumet-heaven,dreams come true.卓美的精神就是以人为本,追求卓越品质。为客户提供最好的设计和服务,确定客户的品牌定位和市场价值,实现客户的梦想就是卓美的最终目标。卓美组建了一个具有实力和 创新力的设计团队,不断追求设计和服务的卓越品质,并努力实现个人以及客户的梦想和价值。卓美将定期进行的与顶尖品牌和设计师的互相交流学习,确保我们的设计和品牌管理理念与国际领先水平保持同步。 不断的学习新的设计知识和设计理念,为客户提供最前沿的设计理念和品牌定位。同时,欢迎热爱设计的朋友们加盟卓美,共同实现人生价值,为中国设计的发展作出我们的贡献。

Our spirit:Towards excellence, beyond the dream

Chaumet-heaven, dreams come true." The spirit is people-oriented, the pursuit of excellence. To provide customers with the best design and services, customer brand positioning and market value, customers realize the dream of beauty is the ultimate goal. Zhuo beauty formed a powerful and innovative design team, the constant pursuit of design and the excellent quality of service, and strive to achieve individual and dream of the customer and value. Zhuo beauty be conducted at regular intervals with leading brands and designers to exchange study, to ensure that our design and brand management concept and international advanced level to keep pace. Continuous learning of new design knowledge and design concepts, for customers to provide the most cutting-edge design concepts and brand positioning. At the same time, welcome to join friends love the design of outstanding beauty, to realize the value of life, for the development of design in China to make our contribution.

企业发展,品牌定位,谋划先行。品牌源于专业,卓美为您提供的将是从策略到设计、再到制作落地的完整服务,我们的核心服务是通过科学有效的沟通,设计和品牌管理制作服务,帮助客户构建卓越的品牌体系 ,协助企业塑造国际化的品牌形象,甚至在世界范围内树立属于中国企业的优秀的品牌形象和人文风格。我们信仰专业的力量,用优秀的设计帮助客户降低企业运营成本,创造超越竞争对手的品牌竞争力,以深度 拓展设计的商业价值,用品牌的力量使客户实现商业目标,用品牌的力量驱动企业的持续发展。

Our view: Design guide development, service quality assurance

Enterprise development, brand positioning, planning ahead. Brand derived from the professional, outstanding beauty will provide you with the from strategy to design, to production floor of the integrity of the service, our core service is through scientific and effective communication, design and brand management services, to help customers establish excellent brand system, assist enterprises to create international brand image, and even in the world establish belongs to Chinese enterprises outstanding brand image and the humanities style. We believe in a professional force, with excellent design to help customers reduce operating costs, create beyond competitors brand competitiveness, to expand the depth of the design of commercial value, with the brand strength to enable clients to achieve business objectives, with the brand strength drive the sustainable development of enterprises.

一个组织应以一种有利于社会的方式进行经营和管理。卓美天成将把企业的发展计划和社会责任相结合,从内部提升和外部贡献两方面入手。一方面积极提高自身的品质,不论是设计还是服务,做好定位,开拓并 协助市场发展,促进行业健康运营,规范平台,配合改革开放及国际市场经济发展;另一方面支持环保低碳,应用绿色环保材料,推动可重复使用材料的开发和运用,推动工业环保并降低运营成本。与此同时也会 积极参与并组织公益和慈善事业活动,做出自己应有的力量,树立良好公益企业形象。

Social responsibility:
Positioning the brand culture, innovative design, standard platform
Support the low carbon, committed to public service, contribute to charity

An organization should be a social approach to business and management. Zhuo U.S. Tiancheng will bring the development of enterprises planning and integration of social responsibility, internal promotion and external contributions from two aspects. Hand actively improve their own quality, whether it is design or service, good positioning, develop and assist the development of the market, stimulative industry health operation, standardized platform, with the reform and opening up and the international development of the market economy; on the other hand support low carbon, application of green environmental protection, promoting reusable materials development and application, to promote industrial environmental protection and reduce operation cost. At the same time will actively participate in and organize the commonweal and charity activities, should make its own strength, establish a good public image of enterprise.
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