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发表于 2013-1-9 13:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • 招聘职位:设计师2人业务3名
  • 招聘人数:5
  • 职位薪资:4000~6000
  • 其他职位薪资:
  • 工作地点:上海浦东
  • 有效期至:2013-02-28
  • 公司名称:上海雅立展览工程有限公司
  • 公司网址:http://www.arie-expo.com
  • 以下为职位相关要求
  • 性别要求:
  • 年龄要求:不限
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 专业要求:要有相关工作经验(优秀应届毕业可适当放宽要求)
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设计兵团 提醒求职者:
本帖最后由 jems998 于 2013-1-9 13:53 编辑

雅立展览是专业的展览装修、展厅、专卖店、博物馆等工程设计、制作、安装、异地布展和器材租赁的综合性企业.位于中国上海,注册资金500万元,并有战略合作伙伴位于德国、瑞士、新加坡、香港。展览会的规模和地点对于我们来说都不是问题,和全球的合作伙伴一起,雅立展览提供世界级的、多国团队的设计和制作服务。我们的客户有来自全球和地区的领导品牌和企业。 我司在上海南区拥有面积4000平方米的制作工厂, 一支拥有多年施工经验、技艺精湛的制作队伍,并拥有木业机器多台、现代化烤漆房一间, 泵机、电机、烘箱等,采用最新的设备和对高品质的需求和材料创新性的使用,使得雅立展览可以提供欧洲展台制作的质量(以国内的价格),这也是我们拥有大批欧美合作伙伴和客户的主要原因。
About Us
Arie Expo is a comprehensive company, engaged in design & building of exhibition booth, showroom, exclusive shop, museum, and equipments renting, with headquarters in Shanghai China, and multiple strategic locations including Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, UK, India, Japan, Hong Kong, etc. The scale or location of the exhibition poses no problem. Arie Expo, together with our global partners, provides world-class and multi-national professional services. To affect consumers with surprising and inspire creativity, and build brand awareness quickly, increase sales, expand sales channels, and make a strong brand of company .Our clients come from global and regional leading brands and enterprises. We can reposition your brand, to rethink your marketing strategy, creating an impressive and has a world class exhibition to meet the challenges spread across the regions.We have a 4,000sqm factory in Shanghai. A dedicated team of experienced highly skilled craftsmen use the latest equipment to work efficiently with a wide variety of materials. The demand for high quality and innovative use of materials is paramount in this ever evolving marketplace. Arie Expo builds stands in European standards with local price. That's why we keep many European partners & clients. Meanwhile, we've got great partners who can meet our special needs of audio visual system, graphics, furniture, MC, interpreters, etc
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 18:22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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