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转载] Beck's酒吧国际设计比赛作品

发表于 2006-3-3 17:40:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

name of design : a very long piece of furniture
design by : piotr person from poland
designer's own words:
The archetype of a long table transformed and reinterpreted in a 3 dimensional space. The outlet is essentially a single piece of a very long furniture filled with people and floating images projected on transparent screens. The porous, nest-like structure allows maximum socialization and secures open inner space which is primarily used as a dance floor and exhibition area. The bars are located on both ends of the structure. The outlet is designed to stirr interaction between people and would suit those who like to spend time in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. There is no target group - the common factor is BECK'S.

name of design : bbb bebeck'ar
design by : marco paradiso from italy
designer's own words:
BBB BeBeck’ar!! We’re the world of BBB. We’ve got a strong character We’ve got a good face a good soul We choose, We stand out from the crowd We don’t want to wait for the future We’re the future We don’t want to have fun We want to be the fun We don’t want to go into a bar drinking our beer We want to go into the beer drinking our bar We don’t want to drink beer We want to be beer We don’t want to drink Beck’s We want to be Beck’s !!
name of design : beck cave
design by : mikolaj wower + katarzyna andrzejak + pawel piechnik from poland
designer's own words:
Beck bar outlet Bar outlet? But what does “bar” mean for us? Is it just a counter accompanied by some tables, chairs and lamps? - Not for us! Not for young, “trendy” people! We are looking for something new, interesting, maybe a little strange. We are looking for the spirit of the place! In our fast-living cities the young desire to experience the new – in our bar they can try something different, something special, designed especially for them. Absence of tables and chairs, resignation from ?typical” counter, lighting and, the last but not least, lack of direct advertisement with a huge Beck sign make this place a little mysterious and in a way holy... place where the Beck beer in not just an ordinary beer like others, but a special beer with special abilities of making people live slower at least for a while. This bar can be treated as a place where the young people meet together and escape for a moment from their every day fast-life.
发表于 2006-3-3 17:41:20 | 显示全部楼层
意大利DesignBoom 第二届贝克啤酒屋国际设计比赛
主题: "Your Beck’s Outlet"

[01 比赛的主题]
“Your Beck’s Outlet”

当你自由设计Beck’s Outlet时,请创造一种时尚的氛围主要为饮啤酒服务,同时可以促进相互间的交往与交流。


[02 “Beck’s Outlet”所具有的特征]
   要求你所设计的Beck’s Outlet 有200㎡(10㎡x20㎡),并且具备一些功能,能用于不同的方式:从一个夜间俱乐部到多功能的富于想象力的实验室以便主人用于展示。
—— 一个大的,8㎡的柜台。
—— 灯
—— 桌子及椅子
—— 入口
—— “抢眼”的内部发光标牌
—— 能清晰的让人看清是贝克酒吧的元素(如贝克啤酒的LOGO)。


the young people we are talking to, are in a point in their lives where they are increasingly
aware of a choice they have to make:
they can exist, getting by, going along, following the formula or they can live.
that choice, actively choosing to live, that’s what authentic freedom is all about.
at the heart of this proposition is a strength of character, that is shared by both
Beck’s and people who drink it.
Beck’s is real authentic german beer with a fresh full-body taste.
drinking it is definitely a conscious decision as is living a truly free self-determined life.
answering life’s call is about being confident, having courage, having character,
and having fun. it’s about being clever, spontaneous, and refusing to spend your life
wondering what if? they are standing on a threshold looking up to the future
and they have a choice to make: live or exist.
it’s really simple.
live or exist. you have the key.
see the Beck's mood on http://www.becks.it

the key (brand magnifier)
download the beck's logo

[03 奖品]
- a first prize will be awarded EURO 5.000 + supply of BECK'S beer for 1 year (1 bottle / day) +
travel and accomodation costs paid (EURO max 1.000) for attending the next milan design week, april 13 - 18, 2005
(... and there might be the possibility that the winning project becomes a real Beck's bar).

- the jury will also award 2 honorable mentions of EURO 1.000 each + 24 beck's beer bottles each +
travel and accomodation costs paid (EURO max 1.000 each) for attending the next milan design week, april 13 - 18, 2005
(... and there might be the possibility that a few images are used for Beck's communication campaigns (i.e. journals or promocards).

- winning entries and shortlisted works will be shown at the next milan design week, april 13 - 18, 2005.
a catalogue of the design competition including the winning entries and the shortlisted works will be printed and distributed.
and as always… designboom will publish an exhaustive results report.

[04 评委组成]
aldo cibic, designer/architect.
stanislas gokelaere, general manager of interbrew italia;
luca trazzi, designer/architect;
oliviero toscani, photographer;
(and of course... the jury decision is unquestionable)

[05 设计准则]
the jury will award designs which are innovative in terms of their concepts and their formal solutions.
the competition will provide participants with the opportunity to explore design freedom and to apply their inspirations to the Beck's bar. this project requires imagination, creativity and great design skills.

[06 注册截止时间]

[07 注册]
registrations are open now, please fill in the form.
teams register with one name only
(only when submitting works you should add all team member’s names).
there is a maximum enrollment, registration may close prior to that deadline.

! register here !

[08 提交作品]
we invite you to use our new on-line publishing system
which allows all designers to publish their projects directly on our server,
making the jury process faster and more transparent.
as the designer, you can publish, verify and modify the lay-out of your page.
the new system will allow a larger number of designs to be visible to the
designboom public, thus giving designers greater visibility.


1、 三张作品版面,至少应提供一张正视图及一张入口处的视图,请注意只可用gif或jpeg格式,72dpi。
每张图最大100kb,版面大小最大600x660像素。如果你的作品第二轮被选中,可提交作品的原始尺寸,300 dpi的图像。

2、 设计思想的说明。简要介绍你的作品,包括介绍你的顾客群的状况。

3 - you will be requested to accept the competition guidelines
(competition guidelines:
projects participating to the competition, must be original works.
projects must be free from copyrights and any kind of obligation.
the design shall not in any way infringe any third party’s right,
including but not limited to copyright, logos, trademark, trade names,
or other proprietary rights of publicity or privacy.)
only entries with a declaration of authorship are accepted!
! submit your entry here !
designboom's new publishing feature offers you autonomous entry presentation.
this service gives you maximum control on how your ideas will be presented to the jury.
therefore we invite you to join it.
if you are new to digital publishing systems and do not feel confident to publish on your own,
you might wish to send us your entry via email to mail@designboom.com
(please fill in the subject line: Beck's bar competition.)
in any case we accept only entries after previous registration trough this publishing system.

[09 参赛作品截止日期]  2004年12月22日。

[10 权利]
any copyrights of the designs/projects will remain the designer′s sole property.
by participating in the competition, the participant authorises BECK & Co.
to option the exclusive use of all the shortlisted designs. this option is valid until december 31, 2006.
Beck & Co. undertakes, in the event that it uses one of the designs submitted to the contest wholly
or in part, to pay a forfait fee of EURO 1.000 to purchase the rights for an exclusive use with no time limitation.
In this case the participant (designer of the shortlisted entry) cedes the exclusive rights to Beck & Co,
who can :
reproduce the idea wholly or in part;
publicize the idea;
use the idea for any and every commercial use;
make a profit using the idea.
the designer(s) of the winning project and the 3 honorable mentions cede the exclusive rights to Beck & Co.
waiving compensation other than the award prize.
partecipants of the Beck’s Prize are aware that the Beck's registered mark
is of exclusive property of the Beck's with every consequence of law.
by participating in the competition, all participants authorise designboom and BECK & Co. to publish
and exhibit all the designs (including project data submitted) – waiving compensation –
at exhibitions and events linked to the competition communication, and/or to use them in any publications
that the organizers may deem suitable and/or necessary.

[11 咨询]
inquiries to: becks@designboom.com

[12 详细网站] http://www.designboom.com/becks_prize2.html
发表于 2006-3-3 17:42:56 | 显示全部楼层
http://dolcn.com/data/cns_1/news ... -09/1095420930.html



http://www.wswin.com/home/viewth ... d=JBlxWM#pid1911447

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-3 17:45:22 | 显示全部楼层
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